Søren Knudsen, Jagoda Walny, Sarah Storteboom, Jo Vermeulen, Wesley Willett, and Sheelagh Carpendale
In creating visualization for the general public, we have concerns relating to visual representations and data provenance, trust, and truth. We briefly outline the context of our work, describe our concerns and their relation to philosophy. We end by formulating a list of questions we seek to shed light on in our future work.
title = {Philosophical concerns of Visual Representation and Interaction},
author = {Knudsen, S{\o}ren and Walny, Jagoda and Storteboom, Sarah and Vermeulen, Jo and Willett, Wesley and Carpendale, Sheelagh},
booktitle = {ACM CHI Workshop on Philosophy and HCI},
year = {2019}