Tina Huynh, Søren Knudsen, and Sheelagh Carpendale
Visualization systems with multiple views are often used to represent data from different perspectives. There are many advantages in doing so, such as providing a way for users to understand a dataset by revealing its various attributes in separate views and offering additional information that could be more useful than if it was just one graph. However, this can often make data seem complicated and overwhelming as each view remains independent. We present a visualization that utilizes multiple views as a means for interaction and unifying the different data dimensions of a multi-view system. This creates a cohesive visualization that displays different aspects of the data, in this case, hierarchical text data and numerical data. With this personal data visualization, we offer a potential solution for relating additional data structures through interaction while maintaining different data types shown and linking multiple views to form a larger connected graph.
title = {Views as Rich Menus for Other Views: A Case Study on Personal Data Visualization},
author = {Huynh, Tina and Knudsen, S{\o}ren and Carpendale, Sheelagh},
journal = {In Posters of IEEE VIS 2018 (IEEE VIS)},
year = {2018}